Oh, How They Vary!

Last week we talked about normal distribution in your data. This week let’s kick the conversation off with non-normal distribution. There are a few different types of non-normal distribution, let’s take a look. Skewed distribution Skewed data is quite simply, a data distribution that is not symmetrical. Usually the longest tail points should point in […]

6Sigma Stats-Distribution Classes

As we continue our journey in Six Sigma it seems pertinent to discuss the different types of distributions you will see in your analysis. Let’s start with one at a time. The most common distribution is the Normal Distribution and here’s what you should know about it. First, what is a distribution? Simply put, a […]

Understanding Performance: Baseline Performance

In our conversations about process capability, I want to focus your attention on baseline performance. Baseline Performance is an alternative way to view long-term and short-term data. When you hear baseline performance it most likely will be a description of baseline performance and it most likely will be used to describe long-term data. What it […]

MSA 101

We’ve talked about accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility in your MSA’s but now we need to talk about data integrity. Data Integrity Numbers shouldn’t lie, but when they do it is usually because somewhere along the line the integrity of the data didn’t hold up. Integrity Before you begin your analysis there are two questions you […]

Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

I am always an advocate of finding the right tool for your specific project, so I propose that you get to know MSA. It’s a great foundational tool and a great way to start building in the practice of good measurement within your organization. There are a few things you need to know when looking […]