Variation: The Sources

In metrics the most honest finding will be that your metrics will have degrees of variation. Understanding where and how those metrics occur, is the key to using your data in a forward thinking strategy. Let’s start with something simple, like toy production. We are going to track some standard variation sources. Variation Sources Within […]

The Value of a Capability Study

We opened last week with Process Capability and before we go full-fledged into that area, I want to pause and put some focus on capability studies. What is a Capability Study? To review from last week, a capability study is a way to ensure that your process is consistent over an extended period of time. […]

3 Keys to Measurement System Analysis

Everything we measure generates variation, especially when there are multiple hands involved. To be honest even with just one person performing the same function, there will be some variation. Variation is not the enemy, uncontrolled variation is our nemesis! When creating a Measurement System Analysis (MSA) there are 3 characteristics that you should focus on […]

Six Sigma Tools: Scaled Data

Continuing on my mission to make Six Sigma something that anyone can understand, today I want to keep the statistics conversation going with the scaled data, scales of measurement and what they mean to your company. There are four scales of measurement in Six Sigma to consider: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio. Nominally Scaled Data This is […]

6Sigma Tools: Process Mapping

Process mapping is an excellent tool that doesn’t have to be monopolized by 6Sigma professionals. The best thing about a process map is the ability to illustrate the problem. Often times in an organization we understand that there is an issue, but we just don’t know what it is. Process mapping helps you to literally […]