Oh, How They Vary!

Last week we talked about normal distribution in your data. This week let’s kick the conversation off with non-normal distribution. There are a few different types of non-normal distribution, let’s take a look. Skewed distribution Skewed data is quite simply, a data distribution that is not symmetrical. Usually the longest tail points should point in […]

6Sigma Tools: Process Control Categories

In this blog we have talked a lot about the different tools we can use in our improvement projects, but it’s my professional opinion that knowing why something works is as good as if not better than knowing that it works. In this blog post we need to discuss how you categorize defects. When you […]

6Sigma Tools: Process Mapping Levels

This week we will continue our discussion on process mapping, I promise it will not go on forever, but it does have a lot of intricacies. Many people think that process mapping is just putting some shapes on a diagram, but it means much more than that. There are 3 levels of process mapping that […]

6Sigma Tools: Standard Symbols

6Sigma Tools: Process Mapping-Standard Symbols As I said last week, process mapping is one of my favorite 6Sigma tools and the best thing about it is that anyone can do it. Now as with all things 6Sigma it can be as complicated or as easy as you want it to be. It may seem like […]

6Sigma Tools: Process Mapping

Process mapping is an excellent tool that doesn’t have to be monopolized by 6Sigma professionals. The best thing about a process map is the ability to illustrate the problem. Often times in an organization we understand that there is an issue, but we just don’t know what it is. Process mapping helps you to literally […]