MSA Love Notes

Okay for the last two weeks, I’ve been talking about Measurement System Analysis and before I move on to a new topic I have one final post on why you should be thinking about MSA. Here it goes… Why you use it You use MSA to compare you customer’s expectations to your inspection standards. This […]

3 Keys to Measurement System Analysis

Everything we measure generates variation, especially when there are multiple hands involved. To be honest even with just one person performing the same function, there will be some variation. Variation is not the enemy, uncontrolled variation is our nemesis! When creating a Measurement System Analysis (MSA) there are 3 characteristics that you should focus on […]

Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

I am always an advocate of finding the right tool for your specific project, so I propose that you get to know MSA. It’s a great foundational tool and a great way to start building in the practice of good measurement within your organization. There are a few things you need to know when looking […]

Box Plots-Data in Pictures

As we cover Six Sigma Statistics, I want to make sure that I go over the illustrative part of the statistics. We know Six Sigma is technical but the key to making it stick, is to make it simple and understood by the non-technical people using it.  So let’s talk about the Box Plot or […]

Graphing for Six Sigma

In Six Sigma we are always collecting data, generally we are collecting data to address a current problem in our operations or services. The wonderful thing about Six Sigma is that we are also able to collect passive data. The usefulness of passive data is that it provides us with the ability to identify patterns, […]