What happens when your flagship product fails?

The issues with the Apple 4G phone have been on everyone’s radar lately, but it brings to light a great business discussion. Your brand is usually based on a breakthrough product or service that performs really well and ideally is a market leader for your industry. Your company spends countless hours developing and refining what […]

Young Chamber Event

I’ve just returned from the Alysham Young Chamber Breakfast Event and I have to say it was a great one! It is lovely to see young people taking such an active role in local business and it creates the entrepreneurial drive that we need to sustain us. Well done guys, I really enjoyed myself.

What Every Company Can Learn from BP

  On April 20, 2010 BP became the face of one of the most devastating environmental disasters since Hurricane Katrina.  Various people and organizations have been quick to point out BP’s failures, but what have businesses been able to learn from the situation? 1.      Poor leadership affects more than the company– Company’s become their product […]

Is Your Head in the Clouds?

Is Your Head in the Clouds? Cloud computing is the next big thing in business, but what exactly is it? Why is it better than traditional computing? This article investigates cloud computing and what it means to small businesses. Cloud Characteristics Cloud computing has a few characteristics that distinguish it from typical computing. The main […]

Efficiency or Effectiveness, Which Way Should I Go?

A recent conversation with a my former college professors gave me the push for this article. In my line of work, you often hear business owners and executives talk about the need for their businesses to run more efficiently. They need to really focus on smart use of resources and to ‘do more with less’. This made me wonder, […]